EURECOMP M12 Progress Meeting

Submitted on Fri, 04/28/2023 - 14:31

We are pleased to announce that on April 21st, 2023, the EuReComp partners had a productive face-to-face progress meeting in Dresden, Germany. The meeting marked the 12th month of EuReComp's full operations and provided an opportunity for the partners to share the project's progress thus far as derived from their collaborative work.


During the meeting, the participants shared their work, results, and deliverables, which stimulated fruitful conversations on the next steps to accomplish the project's mission towards the recycling and reuse of large composite materials. The discussions were lively and informative, and the partners appreciated the opportunity to exchange ideas and insights.


The overall management and progress of the project were also prominently featured on the agenda. This provided the partners with an opportunity to review the progress made and identify areas that require further attention. In addition, the project communication and dissemination activities were discussed, with a focus on how to effectively communicate the project's progress and outcomes to the wider community.


The EuReComp project aims to develop innovative sustainable methods for reducing, recycling, and reusing composite materials from components used in various industries, such as aeronautics and wind energy. The project's progress meeting in Dresden, Germany, demonstrated the project's commitment to achieving its goal of promoting circularity in composites.


We are proud of the progress made by the EuReComp partners thus far and look forward to the project's continued success. Stay tuned for more updates on the EuReComp project's progress on our website!